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幸徳秋水は明治4年、今の四万十市中村京町に生まれ、本名を伝次郎といった。生家は薬種業と造酒業をいとなむ旧家で、父は篤明、母は多治、4人兄弟の末っ子であった。 父は早く亡くなって母の手ひとつで育てられた。幼児の秋水は虚弱で、胃腸障害のため少しも太らず成長が危ぶまれた。しかし、頭はすばらしく、母の懐で乳をまさぐりながら母の胸に指で字を書いていたといわれているほどで、幼児から神童と呼ばれたほど明敏、早熟で小学校、中学校に通うかたわら、9歳の時から木戸鶴州の塾に学び、漢学の素養を見につけた。 少年時代より自由民権運動に関心を持ち、15歳の時「自由新聞」の読者となる。板垣退助の中村訪問に際しての小宴で、町民代表として祝辞を朗読したのが16歳、その翌年、林勇造の書生となったが、自由民権派追放にあった。その後、中江兆民の書生となり、終生恩師として仰ぎ、思想的にも人格的にも大きな影響を受けた。新聞記者としての秋水は文筆家としての名声を高めるとともに、種々の社会問題に接して次第に社会主義思想に傾いていった。 明治34年社会民主党を組織し、直ちに解散させられたが、社会主義協会に結集し活動を続けた。「二十世紀の怪物帝国主義」の論文はこの年出版、レーニンの帝国主義論に先んずること15年、先駆的理論家としての驚異に値する。日露戦争中、非戦論を唱え活発な反戦活動を唱え活発な反戦活動を続けた。明治38年平民新聞筆禍事件の編集者として入獄中、エンゲルスやクロポトキンの論文を読んで無政府主義に関心を抱くようになった。出獄後、アメリカに渡り、オークランド、ロシア革命記念集会で演説を行う等、大いに活躍。ロシア革命に共鳴して、サンディカリズムの傾向を強くしていった。この間に書かれた論文で日米戦争を予言し、戦争回避を絶叫したのは名高く、洞察力は英才の一面を表したものである。帰国後、第2回社会党大会で直接行動論を唱え、議会政策論者とのはげしい論争がはじまり、ついに2派に分裂した。 第2次桂内閣の成立で社会主義者取り締りの強化のため弾圧がきびしく、生活の窮迫と病弱のため運動の第1線から退く考えで、友人小泉三申の勧めにしたがって湯河原温泉に赴いて静養と著述にふけっていたが、大逆事件の検挙にあい、ついに日本裁判史上に類例のない暗黒裁判によって絞首台の霧と消された。 時は明治44年1月24日午前8時6分、享年44歳。 その最後は「従容として挙止些かも取乱したる様子は見えなかった」(沼波教誨師談)と言う。 |
- English Version - |
A short biography of Kotoku Shusui |
Kotoku Shusui was born in a town which is now known as Kyomachi of
Shimanto-city in the 4th year of Meiji (1871), and his real name was
Denjiro. His father died while he was still young, so he was brought up entirely by his mother. Shusui was physically fragile and suffered from gastroenteric problems during his childhood, causing his family to doubt whether he would ever actually grow up to be a man. However, it is said that even an infant, he was so clever that he could write characters on his mother's chest with his fingers while he was being breast-fed. During his childhood, he was so intelligent and precocious that people called him a child prodigy. While attending elementary and junior high school, he was also able to attend Kido Kakusho's private school, where he started studying Chinese classics from the age of 9. During his youth he started to take interest in the democratic rights
movement, and started reading "Jiyuu Shimbun" (the Liberal
Newspaper) at the age of 15. When he was 16 years old, he represented
the townspeople by reading the congratulatory address at a small dinner
party arranged for Itagaki The Japanese Social Democratic Party was formed in the 34th year of Meiji (1901), but was promptly forced to disperse in the same year. However, they found a way to continue their activities by joining forces with the Socialist Association. In the same year Shusui published his thesis entitled "The Problemof Imperialism in the 20th Century", which is a surprisingly insightful publication that demonstrates his pioneering theories 15 years before Lenin's "Imperialism".He advocated pacifism in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, and actively continued his work in the anti-war movement. In the 38th year of Meiji (1905), he was indicted for articles written while he was an editor of the Common People's Newspaper, and while in prison he read theses written by Engels and Kropotkin, which turned his political thoughts towards anarchism. After being released from prison, he traveled to the United States where he continued to be politically active, making speeches in Oakland celebrating the Russian Revolution and taking part in other political activities. His sympathy with the ideals of the Russian Revolution grew, which strengthened his views towards syndicalism. He predicted the Japan-US war in a paper he wrote, and throughout the time before the war continued to advocate the avoidance of war,as well as continuing to make pioneering insights that demonstrated his talents. On his return to Japan, Shusui argued the necessity of activism against parliamentarists at the 2nd Socialist Party's convention, an issue which finally caused a break of the party into two factions. After the formation of the 2nd Katsura Cabinet, the crackdown on socialists was strenghtened and oppression became increasingly more severe. Shusui intended to retreat from the front line of the movement because of his financial hardship and poor health. Under the advice of his close friend, Koizumi Sanshin,he had devoted himself to a life of rest and writing at the Yugawara hot spring when he was arrested, accused of grand treason. He was put to death on the gallows, and his punishment was imposed by a closed trial, which was unprecedented in the legal history of Japan. He died at 8:06 a.m. on January 24, in the 44th year of Meiji (1911), aged 40.The prison chaplain, Mr. Numanami, said that Shusui met his fate bravely, and remained stoic and undistracted until the end. |
<The Association for Honoring Kotoku Shusui> |
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